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688551Serge Grey25 июля 2014 в 08:36

J. Crew Rinsed Denim Jacket M

Абсолютно новая, с бирками.

Заказывал в штатах, не подошёл фит.

Denim jackets have a special place in our heart because of their alternative use. Take this version by the American multi-brand J.Crew for example. Rinsed in a dark indigo hue for an old vintage look, this wardrobe staple is constructed to sit rigid rather than floppy and will come in handy when you practice the art of layering.

Pair it with a simple t-shirt, crew-neck sweater, or just a formal shirt. Throw on a light scarf, a sleeveless body warmer, and you’re ready to own the streets of New York—or any other streets, for that matter.

US $140

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